Support Us

Help us preserve and share stories that transformed America. Your generosity inspires the next generation of change-makers.

The Tuskegee History Center is a tax-exempt nonprofit organization dedicated to education and activities related to human rights, civil rights, historic preservation, and cultural preservation.

Your support is vital.

In the post-pandemic world, many nonprofits like ours are struggling to keep the lights on. Your generous donation will help us continue to present and expose our local history that has had a profound national and international impact.

By contributing, you help us tell the stories of our people and culture through engaging exhibits. Your funding also supports ongoing maintenance, operational costs, and educational programs for the public, school groups, and more. When you give to the Tuskegee History Center, you’re ensuring that these important stories live on to inspire and educate future generations.

2-Ways to Donate

#1: Online

#2: Mail

Tuskegee History Center
P.O. Box 830768
104 S. Elm Street
Tuskegee, Al, 36083

To our donors:

We would like to express our sincere thanks to every person and organization for your generous donations to support the work at the Tuskegee History Center. Your thoughtful gift has made a big difference at the museum. We have been able to do so much more because of your loyalty and commitment. With all our hearts, we say “Thank you!”

Special Thanks

Mr. Cooper Group